The painter’s gestures, dynamic lines and patches of colour look like biological forms arrested in motion. Yet changing hues and colours retain their monochromatic properties. Specific, violent action on large surfaces increases the optical effects of motion.
The composition of the surface of the painting with one colour offers an infinite number of solutions (e.g. by the shift from warm to cold tones). In these paintings one can notice the analytical character of (he artist, who is capable of saturating blue in a number of ways: by adding toned down violets, bluish greys or a few shades of poured paint. The weight of particular planes is determined by the intensity of colour and by differentiated texture.
Anka Brudzińska seems to combine Geometrical Abstraction and Abstract Expressionism, the logic of order-imposing principles of construction and the technique of the spontaneous application of paint.
Blue, so important for the artist, awakes numerous associations.
It symbolises the heaven, peace, the spiritual, infinity, faith and hope. #annabrudzinska anna brudzinska anna brudzińska #anna.brudzinska 

Prof. Krzysztof Skarbek