A person, who keeps in mind the image of an active volcano, or, who did see how liquefied metal boils over a converter, must think, while seeing the latest pictures by Anna Brudzińska, of chemistry and temperature usually connected with the process of burning.
The pictures are in the form of oxymoron, they resemble the Baroque poems filled with movement, vibration, contradictions and contrasting colors. They include fire and water, and combined the indigo with orange, icy titanium white (which is located in a funnel, gully, crater) combined with mice grey, and/or the white, which penetrates (as does a hard elbow), the wooly dark of the cobalt.
In Brudzinska’s pictures, cosmic dramas are taking place. They reveal images of boiling matter and catastrophes. The artist paint seemingly abstract pictures, but they show the stages primordial incorporation. She tries to reach the embryo of creation. The matter in her pictures is once dense and once diluted, sharp and foggy. There are edges and taluses (as in mountains), incidental forms, which are spread like lava. There are thin steel lines, which resemble the pieces of hot iron being wrought, which one only can see through dark glasses in order to protect one’s eyes.
Also, the artist shows continent-like forms, which, seemingly, were photographed by a space probe or a bathyscaph. There are interglacial peninsulas, mountain ranges from the period of orthogenesis. The world shown by Brudzińska has just been formed. It still emerges and submerges in all kinds of the cobalt, it is burning and cooling, as in the Mesozoic or the era of shell limestone. I found it particularly amazing that Brudzińska’s pallet resembles some pictures painted by the artists of the Polish Secession. I believe that the colors, which we find in pictures from a hundred years ago, now turn into the colors from a garden filled with irises from the Tatra Mountains and the Gentian flowers growing in the Alps. Brudzińska’s pictures resemble the landscapes painted by Fałat. #annabrudzinska anna brudzinska anna brudzińska #anna.brudzinska
Jerzy Kronhold